Don’t Let it Expire.
Get automated email reminders for your most important documentation. Never expire again.
Included Reminders
When you sign up for Valid Reminders, you’ll receive email reminders when:
Each reminder email includes the information needed for renewal. You will not receive a reminder if your documents are updated prior to expiration.
How it Works
The Valid Vessel reminder system depends on just two actions from its users.
Step 1: Create your FREE Valid Vessel profile
Step 2: Upload current registration, COD and/or insurance as they are renewed
*Outside of those actions, our system sends 60-day, 30-day and day of reminders for expiration, and provides any information required for your renewal.
Valid Vessel and its reminder system is exclusively offered by RN Marine.
ReAssign Responsibility.
Busy life? We get it. Send the automated reminders to whoever handles the “boat stuff”. Add your preferred contact person when you create your vessel profile.

Get Started
Create your Valid Vessel profile today and upload the documents you’d like reminders on.